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发布时间:2022-10-14 19:59   浏览:


(英文版)About in the winter



Gently I will leave you

Please wipe the tears from your eyes

The long night ahead

Darling don't you cry for me

The road ahead is too bleak

Please bless me with a smile

Though the wind is blowing and the rain is falling

I miss you in the wind and rain

Days without you

I will cherish myself more

Years without me

You should take care of yourself

You asked me when I was going home

I asked myself quietly

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Gently I will leave you

Please wipe the tears from your eyes

The long night ahead

Darling don't you cry for me

The road ahead is too bleak

Please bless me with a smile

Though the wind is blowing and the rain is falling

I miss you in the wind and rain

Days without you

I will cherish myself more

Years without me

You should take care of yourself

You asked me when I was going home

I asked myself quietly

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Days without you

I will cherish myself more

Years without me

You should take care of yourself

You asked me when I was going home

I asked myself quietly

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

Not just now or sometime

I think it will be about winter

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