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我爱你baby(i love you baby金智妮歌词)
发布时间:2022-10-15 21:50   浏览:

I Love You Baby - Paul Anka (保罗·安卡)


As I walk by the seaside

As I walk through the grass

I see little bluebirds

Making love while I pass

Bees are hummin' and they're singin' everywhere

Everyone's in love

Oh oh

I love you baby I love you so

I need you honey I'll never let you go

'Cause you're the girl in my heart

You're the one I adore

And I-I I love you

As I walk by the schoolyard

As I walk by the gate

I see the weeping willow

Where we kissed on every date

And carved in the bark

You'll find an arrow and a heart

And underneath it says

Oh oh

I love you baby I love you so

I need you honey I'll never let you go

'Cause you're the girl in my heart

You're the one I adore

And I-I I love you

As I walk to the corner

And I pass the candy store

I hear the very music

That I once heard before

Oh how you held me as the music softly played

I was so in love

Oh oh

I love you baby I love you so

I need you honey I'll never let you go

'Cause you're the girl in my heart

You're the one I adore

And I-I I love

白色巨塔日剧(如何评价日剧《白色巨塔》) 电视剧大法官(大法官中林子涵的扮演者是谁) 夜市人生大结局(夜市人生剪头发是第几集) 流浪地球 豆瓣(《流浪地球》豆瓣上被差评,粉丝涌入应用商店 敌组词和拼音(敌人的敌有什么组词) 功夫厨神电影(功夫厨神中的炒鸡蛋正宗吗) 美国男篮梦之队(为什么美国男篮梦之队现在是一届不如一届) 郑州一小区疑被外卖骑手孤立(恒大到底目前是什么状况) 不了情简谱(谈恋爱一定要发生性关系吗?你怎么看) 霎怎么组词(霎字怎么组词)


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