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发布时间:2022-10-25 21:27   浏览:

My heart will go on

Celion Dion

Every night in my dreams

I see you, I feel you

That is how I know you go on

Far across the distance

And the spaces between us

You have come to show you go on

Near far whenever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you’re here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

Love can touch us one time

And last for a lifetime

And never let go till we’re one

Love was when I loved you

One true time I hold you

In my life we’ll always go on

Near far whenever you are

I believe that the heart does go on

Once more you open the door

And you’re here in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

There is some love that will not go away

You’re here there is nothing I fear

And I know that my heart will go on

We’ll stay forever this way

You are safe in my heart

And my heart will go on and on

千方残光剑(仙剑奇侠传4玄霄打法) 太阁立志传5茶圣(太阁立志传4如何得到茶圣-茶仙-茶头-数寄者的 沈阳到深圳机票(沈阳到南宁机票多少钱) 鸭形玻璃注(鸭子吃玻璃会死吗) 核糖体结合位点(核糖体能够结合mrna是由于rrna和mrna配对吗) 轻舟已过万重山打一成语(轻舟已过万重山打一字) 更新重置成本(美发店做一次染发烫发,成本到底是多少钱) 伽蓝寺听雨声盼永恒(昨夜雨纷纷是哪首歌词) 北京顺丰快递电话(顺丰快递寄至北京几天) 小女人原液(60岁后擦玻尿酸好吗)


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